Why not use RFID?
Most the people own a phone with a digital camera.
Could you give a brief introduction of your research?
for who?Why for them.
Most of the people with cognitive impairment can have some regular jobs, but sometimes they can not travel on their own because the part of damage of their brain. The need someone to remind them.
The architecture figure.
PDA , Server , QR-code.
Could you explain what is the deviation recovery?
We can not expect all the people can follow the QR code.
So we must have some reminder for the user.
The count down process of the picture will be execute when the expected next QR code is not shot.
When the wrong QR code is shot, the navigation picture will guide you back to the right way to your destination.
Could QR codes be seen easily?
The code can be resize to any scale. If the place is allowed. OK, if the men can't not find the QR code, the caregiver can find out in the google maps when the point keep staying in the same place.
It's not clear when the indoor position is shown on the google maps.
This a problem. If it's in indoor, the map need a special design in more large scale.
Are you sure that people with cognitive impairment can use this device?
Our device is focusing on the those need helps. We are trying to cost down everything that make them affordable. QR codes are so easy to deploy comparing to sensors. I'm not very sure that it can work for everyone. But we can try to find out the problem when the users and caregivers give feedback. Fortunately, we have a long relationship with a hospital in Taiwan. The deeper experiment can be continued in next month. Technology sometimes is not easy to find patients for test. The privacy is a big concern.