Tuesday, November 27, 2007

11/28月會 報告重點

  • 規劃路徑簡介
  • 服務流程簡介
  • 決定實驗日期
  • 教導就輔員使用行動輔具

  • 流程:單一學員需要走四次,最多合計20分鐘。
    • 第一次,就輔員帶領 (2 分鐘)。目的在於讓學員了解預訂抵達位置。
    • 第二次,在沒有輔助工具下嘗試自行到達目的地(6 分鐘)。目的在於排除記憶因素。
    • 第三次,寫下文字敘述,有手繪地圖輔助,嘗試自行到達目的地(6 分鐘)。目的在於確認認知功能障礙程度。
    • 第四次,使用行動輔具方式嘗試自行到達目的地 ( 6 分鐘)。目的在於確認輔具功效。


  • 學員A,有輔具下行走路徑一到指定地點。(A1)
  • 學員B,沒有輔具下走路徑一到指定地點。(B1)
  • 學員A,沒有輔具下走路徑二到指定地點。(A2)
  • 學員B,有輔具下行走路徑二到指定地點。(B2)
  • 學員A,沒有輔具下行走路徑一到指定地點。(A3)
  • 學員B,有輔具下走路徑一到指定地點。(B3)
  • 學員A,有輔具下走路徑二到指定地點。(A4)
  • 學員B,沒有輔具下行走路徑二到指定地點。(B4)

Sunday, November 11, 2007

design paper

Enhancing Independent Task Performance for Individuals with Mental Retardation Through Use of a Handheld Self-Directed Visual and Audio Prompting System



  • Study participants
    • 10 volunteers with mental retardation
  • Device design
  • procedure
    • Pizza box assembly
    • software packing
    • verbal overview & demonstration
    • asked to complete the task two times
      • w/ Visual assistant and w/o
    • the order
      • half begin with Visual assistant and half are not(Pizza box assembly)
      • half begin without Visual assistant and half are not(software packing)
      • to help the impact of the first task trial on performing the second task trial
The order part is a good way to lower the first time memory impact.

Friday, October 26, 2007



  • 大部分學員已經對仁愛醫院已經熟悉
  • 記憶功能較差
  • 能使用PDA手機,執行拍照工作(我有擔心他們沒辦法完成照完QR code需要將程式關閉)
  • 單一學員需要走三次
    • 1st,就輔員帶領
    • 2nd,在沒有輔助工具到達目的
    • 3rd,以WADER方式進行
  • 如果沒有輔助方法,學員第一次來到陌生地方如何到達目的地
    • 就輔員帶領
    • 寫下文字敘述,有地圖輔助
  • 初步訂於12月

Monday, October 22, 2007

WADER Experiment design-fixed

  • 現場訪查
    • 時間:實驗前幾天
    • 目的:尋找合適實驗路徑,關鍵點位
    • 方式照相紀錄
    • 人數:2
    • 器材:照相機
  • 設定路徑
    • 目的:決定哪種路徑適合本次實驗
      • 討論一個目的或多個目的地
      • 路徑的長短
        • 取決於可以參加的學員數
          • 多人時可每人走單一路線
          • 少人時可設計一人嘗試多條路徑(多次實驗)

  • 設備準備
    • 如距離超出Wi-Fi可以使用,需要用3G取代
    • 故前製作業需拉長,需要測試網路,拍照,設定QR code放置點
    • 最多一天工作天可完成
  • 控制組

    • 目的建立baseline 資料,在未使用QR Code 情況下,是否可以抵達目的地。
    • 方式:學員以沒有輔助工具下,走到指定目的地
    • 人數:依就輔員可以提供的人數器材
    • 器材:無

  • 就輔員訓練
    • 目的:教導就輔員使用WADER

  • 輔助人員
    • 目的:可事後仔細觀察探討紀錄遺漏之處
    • 人員
      • 錄影(一名)
      • 紀錄(一名)
        • 計時
        • 學員基本資料,病症
      • 就輔員
        • 協助學員突發狀況
REF:Indoor Wayfinding: Developing a Functional Interface for Individuals with Cognitive Impairments

New found research from University of Oregon

Homepage of Professor Stephen Fickas

Thursday, October 11, 2007

SRC possible questions

Why not use RFID?
Most the people own a phone with a digital camera.

Could you give a brief introduction of your research?

for who?Why for them.
Most of the people with cognitive impairment can have some regular jobs, but sometimes they can not travel on their own because the part of damage of their brain. The need someone to remind them.

The architecture figure.
PDA , Server , QR-code.

Could you explain what is the deviation recovery?
We can not expect all the people can follow the QR code.
So we must have some reminder for the user.
The count down process of the picture will be execute when the expected next QR code is not shot.
When the wrong QR code is shot, the navigation picture will guide you back to the right way to your destination.

Could QR codes be seen easily?
The code can be resize to any scale. If the place is allowed. OK, if the men can't not find the QR code, the caregiver can find out in the google maps when the point keep staying in the same place.

It's not clear when the indoor position is shown on the google maps.
This a problem. If it's in indoor, the map need a special design in more large scale.

Are you sure that people with cognitive impairment can use this device?
Our device is focusing on the those need helps. We are trying to cost down everything that make them affordable. QR codes are so easy to deploy comparing to sensors. I'm not very sure that it can work for everyone. But we can try to find out the problem when the users and caregivers give feedback. Fortunately, we have a long relationship with a hospital in Taiwan. The deeper experiment can be continued in next month. Technology sometimes is not easy to find patients for test. The privacy is a big concern.

I feel pressure

It's not fun when someone is going to question me.
And I need to be compared with someone.

Monday, October 08, 2007


  • six high school students with moderate cognitive disabilities
    • poor coordination
    • slight visual acuity
    • chosen with the assistance of the teacher
    • 40-80IQ (DSM-IV )
    • 16~22
  • task
    • assembling a plastic glider model
    • eight step script(image and voice prompt)
  • demonstrate
  • each student successfully completed the task
    • users were able to learn and use the basic functionality of the handheld interface

Monday, October 01, 2007

Advice on designing scientific posters

Advice on designing scientific posters

Friday, September 28, 2007

SRC preparation

You will be expected to prepare a poster and present your work at the
conference as part of this poster session.
Monday, October 15, 2007, 13:30-14:50 Posters & Demo Session 1

confirmed size of the poster boards is 36" x 48"(landscape)

The top contestants will be asked to give a short (10 minute plus
time for questions) presentation at this session.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007. 11:20-11:50 Student research competition
write down possible challenging questions.

-------------------- review 1 --------------------
Please address each of the following issues in your review:
* What original contribution is being made to the field of accessibility? Why does it matter?

This abstract discusses a technology for way finding that will assist individuals with cognitive impairments.
It combines a encoding technology called QR codes, PDAs and a tracking system.

* The validity of the methodology and results. How confidently can others take up the work?

The architectural components that make up the technology have not been presented in an understandable way so to get a sense of what is unique or novel. For example Figure 3, which seems to be a key component is hardly explained.
As far as the usage of this technology is concerned what I would like to know is this - does it
need care givers to monitor the system. It appears to be.
It is not clear how others can take this work up.

* Coverage of related research.

There are just 3 references. So
it is difficult to clearly assess the contribution of this work w.r.t. related work.

* Organization, language and written presentation.

The abstract is not well presented. The language and writing is ok.

-------------------- review 2 --------------------
Please address each of the following issues in your review:

* What original contribution is being made to the field of accessibility? Why does it matter? hand held navigation aid using visible waymarks

* The validity of the methodology and results. How confidently can others take up the work?
the description of the deviation management scheme should be expanded

* Coverage of related research.
ok... there's a lot more, but can't all be sited in an abstract

* Organization, language and written presentation.


WISH 2007


> <Review #1>
> Provide a short summary of the paper:
> This paper proposes a personal guidance prototype system based on
> geo-coded QR codes and social computing for individuals with cognitive
> impairments. The prototype system consists of PDAs, a training blog, and a
> tracking system.
> What is the strength of the paper? (1-3 sentences):
> The idea of this wayfinding prototype system is novel. It employs QR codes
> and social computing to implement the wayfind system. The description of
> system functionalities is clear.
> What is the weakness of the paper? (1-3 sentences):
> 1. Compared with sensor network, the approach proposed in this paper
> depends mostly on social computing. Although this approach is novel, it
> may fail for some patients.
> 2. This paper gives a clear introduction of the complete system. However,
> the paper does not give out any key algorithms and performance metrics.
> 3. The presentation needs to be improved.
> 4. Experimental data are not enough.
> Your qualifications to review this paper :
> I know the material, but am not an expert
> Writing Quality:
> Average
> Relevance to WISH?:
> People would attend session, but not read it beforehand
> Experimental Methodology:
> Average
> Novelty of paper:
> This is a new contribution to an established area
> Overall paper merit:
> Accept - This is of interest to WISH, a novel or new contribution with
> average/weak methodology, or incremental contribution paper that has good
> methodology.
> Is this paper a candidate for the best paper award?:
> No
> Provide additional detailed comments to the author:
> This paper proposes a personal guidance prototype system based on
> geo-coded QR codes and social computing for individuals with cognitive
> impairments. The prototype system consists of PDAs, a training blog, and a
> tracking system. Some suggestions/comments:
> 1. Compared with sensor network, the approach proposed in this paper
> depends mostly on social computing. Although this approach is novel, it
> may fail for some patients.
> 2. This paper gives a clear introduction of the complete system. However,
> the paper does not give out any key algorithms and performance metrics.
> 3. The presentation needs to be improved.
> 4. Experimental data are not enough.
> Review #1>
> <Review #2>
> Provide a short summary of the paper:
> The paper describes a wayfinding system to help cognitive impaired people
> and guide them in finding the way to their destination
> What is the strength of the paper? (1-3 sentences):
> Simple architecture and prototype implementation
> What is the weakness of the paper? (1-3 sentences):
> simple architecture
> Your qualifications to review this paper :
> I know the material, but am not an expert
> Writing Quality:
> Average
> Relevance to WISH?:
> People would attend session
> Experimental Methodology:
> Average
> Novelty of paper:
> Incremental improvement
> Overall paper merit:
> Weak Reject - Paper is potentially of interest to WISH,, and has some
> value in the ideas presented, but it has either potential methodology
> issues or it is a borderline incremental/already been done contribution.
> Is this paper a candidate for the best paper award?:
> No
> Provide additional detailed comments to the author:
> The paper proposes a simple architecture for a wayfinding system useful to
> guide people with cognitive problems.
> The technological novelty of the paper and of the approach is poor. Anyway
> the system seems to work well and the presentation is good.
> In order to increase the technological novelty why don't consider more
> interactive system with "push" technology, where the portable device
> interact for example with RFIDs (inplace of QR codes)?
> Some comments:
> -briefly introduce QR codes
> -how the system does recognize a deviation from the predefined way?

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

[Paper]Mobile Interaction with Visual and RFID Tags – A Field Study on User Perceptions

To be read.

In this paper, we present a study of user perceptions on
mobile interaction with visual and RFID tags. Although
mobile interaction with tags has been proposed in several
earlier studies, user perceptions and usability comparisons
of different tag technologies have not been intensively
investigated. In contrast to earlier studies, which report on
user studies with evaluating new concepts or interaction
techniques, we take another approach and examine the
current understanding of the techniques and user
perceptions on them. Our field study of 50 users charts
currently existing user perceptions and reveals potential
usability risks that are due to the limited or erroneous
understanding of the interaction technique.

QR code的工作指引與定向導航的困難



Tuesday, August 28, 2007

[Paper]Autominder: An Intelligent Cognitive Orthotic System for People with Memory Impairment

  • population is aging phenomenal rate
  • autominder
    • adaptive, personalize reminder of
    • basic, instrumental and extended
    • daily living
    • AI
    • market today: alarm at fix times

Planning and Execution Assistant and Trainer

Memory Aiding Prompting System

[paper]Assistive technology for cognitive rehabilitation: State of the art

Intelligent Assistive Technology and Systems Lab (IATSL)

Monday, August 20, 2007

Research Survey

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Sample for the trackigng system

GeoRSS via Google AJAX Feed API
Google Maps API Examples and Test Pages

Saturday, July 07, 2007

system structure

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

[Paper]Interacting with mobile services: an evaluation of camera-phones

In this week, I will read
Interacting with mobile services: an evaluation of camera-phones,
Eleanor Toye, Richard Sharp, Anil Madhavapeddy, David Scott, Eben Upton and Alan Blackwell
In Personal and Ubiquitous Computing Journal, February 2006

The visual code is similar to QR code which may relate to my research.

Monday, June 25, 2007

timer in javacript

In my test, pocket IE doesn't support this kind of javascript.
So I found an alternative brower which is called opera for mobile can support.
Surprisely, they claim opera 9 will have advanced functionality with Ajax and Web2.0.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

problem solved

(b)為了處理完全找不到下一個QR code,我們的程式要倒數,所以網頁不能直接轉換到圖片網址,需要留在網頁處理倒數的程式

Wayfinding image stays in the same asp page now.
So I can focus on the count down(use asp language, I guess) on the that asp page.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007


1. 部落格上提出 (1) 月工作計畫 (2) 論文閱讀計劃。
In June,
(a)miss QR code and never find another one -> count to time out and send alert to the job coaches or parents
(b)為了處理完全找不到下一個QR code,我們的程式要倒數,所以網頁不能直接轉換到圖片網址,需要留在網頁處理倒數的程式

2. 本週paper閱讀報告。

Beyond the Smart Home

Yamazaki, T.
Universal City Group, Knowledge Creating Communication Research Center;

This paper appears in: Hybrid Information Technology, 2006. ICHIT'06. Vol 2. International Conference on
Publication Date: Nov. 2006
Volume: 2, On page(s): 350-355
ISBN: 0-7695-2674-8
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/ICHIT.2006.253633
Posted online: 2006-12-11 09:16:17.0

Whait do I think in this paper?
The paper is from EI village with only 6 pages. I am trying to find how to write a EI paper with few words.
will be added more...

3. 本週研究進度分享

seems no new update in this week.
except planning and explaining the experiment.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

[paper]Mobile Fair Diary: hybrid interface for taking, interface for taking, browsing and sharing context-aware notes

Korhonen J, Ojala T, Ristola A, Kesti M, Kilpelänaho V, Koskinen M & Viippola E (2006)
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing.

Blogger in Draft

Monday, June 11, 2007

[paper]The design of a handheld, location-aware guide


  • access information at different times and locations as you need
  • change dynamically during usage
  • environment : Indoor or outdoor
  • in this paper, indoor
  • lessons learnt in in designing a handheld location-aware system
  • use IR emitter
  • museum domain
Related work
Location identification
  • WLAN
  • Blueooth
    • discovery steps(5~10s)
  • IrDA
    • the immediateness of the connection, low cost
Case study
  • Marble museum, Carrara, Italy.
  • human guides are too expensive
  • Design is driven by three main element
    • Context of use
      • JPEG, MP3
      • SD card
    • Tasks
      • orientation with in the museum
      • controlling the user interface
      • access museum information
    • Domain concept and user interface
      • The museum
      • The section
      • Artworks
Location-dependent interaction
  • IR installed at the entrance of each room
  • located on the top the ceiling
  • IR beacons send a unique identifier
  • App detect and change
  • Visual feedback
  • Audio feedback
    • error, alert and information message
Design criteria for graphical part
  • A web metaphor
  • Navigation feedback(by color)
  • Orientation support in surrounding environment
  • Minimize graphical interaction(vocal)
  • No redundancy in input commands(resoluation)
Evaluation of the application

Tuesday, May 29, 2007


From 張耀仁老師

2.白晝下, LCD螢幕看不清楚。



1. 圖說橫豎不一,應該統一。
2. 看不出哪個圖說對應到哪張圖,好像都擠成一堆。
3. 海報裡有七種不同 font size與粗細變化,略顯凌亂與隨意,想想看,如何稍微收斂與整理
5.Don't use double circles as bullets.

From 胡院長
競賽用的海報 希望能一開使就抓住評審的心 因為他們逗留的時間不會太久 主要的內容也在報告內有說明 大標題要明確的說明此題目的緣由 主要的貢獻 優點要大大的寫出來 讓不懂的人先問你些問題 你就知道大家的疑惑 就可以找出重點

Thursday, May 17, 2007

GPS Takes A Global Position In The Portable Market

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

5/16 workshop workflow

1. install Firefox

why firefox?

IE is like a meal.

Firefox is like buffet. All you can eat. BTW, it's free.

2.install ScribeFire

publish a post.


Powered by ScribeFire.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Friday, May 04, 2007

The "bar code" solution is best for cell.


以現今來說,手機的營幕因為要輕薄短小的需求,總是得犧牲體積或面積大小,也因此侷限了輸入方式,以使用者為被動方式來擷取資料,類似push mail的概念,將資料先塞入你的cell,在進行互動,省去lousy的打字,再搜尋。版面太小需要的資料更是要符合使用者需求,使用者在外時哪耐的著性子一再的搜尋,在等待下一班車時的空檔時間,可能不長,但是這一些零散的時間加總起來,也是可觀的數字,時間=金錢,如果有廠商願意開發,讓使用者能在這段時間花錢使用服務,獲利空間還是存在。

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

QR code navigation- login

Monday, April 30, 2007

learning from UI design improvement

UI: user interface
Design experience from NSC project.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Mio new PDA

大家都害怕迷路阿..現在做模擬3D的 以後我看會直接在車上的玻璃直接投影導航資訊


Thursday, April 19, 2007

QR code caregivers/parents alert fuction

以QR code連到的網址 可以紀錄起來 標在地圖上 但是要如何即時傳送訊息到使用者

自動的方式 可以用簡訊提醒

被動的方式 可以用電話打給學員

可以用Skype整合網頁 欣佑那邊可以支援

Powered by ScribeFire.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Job coach memo

Tuesday, April 03, 2007


ScribeFire TEST!

Powered by ScribeFire.

Thursday, March 29, 2007


1.Patent search & survey
2.A blueprint of LBS

google patents search

Friday, March 16, 2007


許多科技設計的太難以親近 造成他們無法自行維護 棄置在一旁
在替他們設想服務時 必定要以他們為出發點
能自行編輯 安裝 就好像用提款機那種 學過一次就會的 即使功能不強大

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


QR code 需要SDK來開發,需要一些時間找尋適合的軟體,或者根本找不到。
如果利用現有的Quick Mark 只能有一些特定的功能,例如連結到網路,簡單的文字。
現在計畫寫一些簡單的網頁,以QR code直接連結,在pda上跑。

QR code in navigation

Monday, March 12, 2007


  • buddy tracker and QR code, two way.
  • more detail information in QR code applied in our project
  • NSC yearly final report, deadline in the end of April
    • detail report, and application in realization
  • pay more attention on the student with more motivation in the project
    • give them milestone
    • writing paper with them
    • let them join the meeting
    • hope can get new ideas
  • paper reading

[paper]Indoor way: design a functional interface for individuals of cognitive impairments

  • what if the user get lost in the beginning of the navigation?
  • cognitive impairment(知能障礙)
  • social stigma will disappear after the QR code popularity is increased.

a project very related to us

For an overview of the Cognitive Lever Project please see a five minute video demonstrating our vision.
Load Flash Movie

Wednesday, March 07, 2007


C# 學習經典

Windows Forms Programming實作手冊-使用C#

Amazon的評價都4.5 ,5 顆星評價。

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

NSC presentation 3/7

Monday, March 05, 2007

QR code SDK

需要開發 QR code 的程式
讀取座標資訊後 能和應用程式結合 如:http://www.quickmark.com.tw/geo-intro.html

首先要知道如何利用程式讀到QR code是可以連結並讀取到local端 PDA的資料

good introduction
行動條碼 / 二維碼 / Mobile Barcode / QRCode

手機應用技術導入 QR code 教戰手則

some possible development tools



Monday, February 26, 2007

primitive type vs reference type

primitive type holds the value for the variable

reference type holds the reference to the actual data

c# automatically remove the garbage


jobs for future

jobs @ IBM
Hope the graduate life will provide the good skill for future jobs


Monday, February 12, 2007


定位了 1198個手機基地台 點數賺翻了

An Inconvenience Truth

What gets us into trouble
is not what we don't know

It's what we know for sure
that just ain't so

-Mark Twain

Worth to watch it!



一直在想要不要仔細看 這到底是一篇好論文嗎?
原來可以從ISI Web of Knowledge查到

果然是好物 等等把他整理在blog


Sunday, February 11, 2007


今天一早起來 例行性的打開Firefox看看有什麼新鮮事
在看Google Forum的時候 連到 Prof. Jahui的研究室網站
蠻驚豔的 他們的研究生把今天做的事整理得很好 (有被逼嗎? 哈)
一目了然 工作事項 都有紀錄 真的要好好學習一下
寫部落格 讓老師知道我們在做什麼 經驗可以讓我們不要偏離軌道太遠

有時候也會覺得把今天做的事情 重複一次寫下來有什麼意義
讓自己不會忘記? 整理思緒? ....

Saturday, February 10, 2007


如果能設計一個軟體 讓就輔員自行用pda手機的Camera拍攝下重要的地標 轉灣 轉乘
pop up提示的方向和聲音 類似PaPaGo上面的指標提醒
但是地圖改成照片 雖然沒有像之前日本的導航軟體設計的那麼好 可以全程模擬

Friday, February 09, 2007

API update

1. 利用vs API load到 HP pda,是透過電腦的網路去抓訊號,不是用PDA的Wi-Fi
2. 如果將程式直接拉到PDA執行時,Wi-Fi會自動關閉,還在找原因

Paper to read?


Thursday, February 08, 2007

These two maps perform well in PDA

Windows Live Search for mobile beta

Google maps for Pocket PC

Pocket Pc browser

Post details: Brand new Pocket and desktop PC browser compliance tests: AJAX, CSS

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Learning Vedio

PDA 程式封裝 cab or windows installer

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Find better solution for PDA browser

Netfront 3.4

Looks better than Opera!
But the still slow and not user friendly.