Sunday, May 25, 2008


Exploring the Functional Specifications of a Localized Wayfinding Verbal Aid for
Blind Pedestrians: Simple and Structured Urban Areas



不過本篇的研究方式,以8位盲人所提供的口頭指引,經過研究分類出不同的Guidance Functions,Traveling Situations,再以不熟悉的地方在進行實驗,再進行分析修改,是可以學習的地方。

Monday, May 19, 2008

The discussion of the design technology for people with cognitive impairement

ACM CHI 2006 Workshop on
Designing Technology for People with Cognitive Impairments

some important topic for our design

- Developing appropriate design and evaluation methods.

- Managing participant recruitment.

- Designing for auniverse of onevs. attaining generalizability.

- Understanding the role of diagnoses vs. functional assessments.

- Requirement for dual user interface development.

- Requirement for strong multi-disciplinary teams.

- Locating sources for research partnerships and funding.